
Tank force arcade flyer
Tank force arcade flyer

tank force arcade flyer tank force arcade flyer

Galaxian 3 Theatre 6 : Project Dragoon (1990) Magazine reviews : ACE Mar '88 - TGM Mar '88 - C+VG May '88 - YS Jun '88 Pistol Daimyo no Bouken / Quest of Pistol Daimyoįlyers : Normal Flyer - Atari Normal Flyer - Atari Other Flyer Misc : Inter-processor communication is done via a 2K shared memory area. Notes : On system 1 boards there is a 3 pin connector which according to the schematics for Pacmania is a "3D grass driver", I'm assuming this actually means 3D glasses, that were never used. Video resoution : 288x244 pixels (36x28 tiles),Ĭolours : 3 24-bit programmable RGB palette tables, 8 bits per color as follows :Ĩ 256-color entries for the playfields shadow/highlight effects. Sound chips : Namco custom 8 channel 4-bit PSG for sound effects, Yamaha YM3012 2 channel 8-bit DAC for voice, Yamaha YM2151+YM3012 FM chip for music.

Tank force arcade flyer